The U.S. Navy’s Flight III Arleigh Burke (DDG-51) class destroyers are facing cost increases and delays, jumping from an average of $2.1 billion per ship to $2.5 billion per hull, with even steeper cost increases coming in the future, according to a new Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report. The report analyzes the Navy’s 2025 shipbuilding plan, which calls for a 390-battle force ship fleet by 2054, and includes nine more vessels than in last year’s plan.
Beyond destroyers, the versatile workhorses of the Navy’s combat fleet, the CBO’s assessment notes cost hikes among other platforms, as well as systemic American shipbuilding industry shortfalls that could impede the service’s fleet size goal. All this long-term planning comes as the sea service races to prepare for a near-term war with China if Beijing invades Taiwan in the coming years. These destroyers and their anti-air, anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare capabilities would be crucial to such a future fight.

The Navy currently has 74 destroyers of the Arleigh Burke class, in Flight I, Flight II, Flight IIA and Flight III variants. Two Flight IIAs and 18 Flight IIIs are already either under construction or their purchase has already been authorized by Congress. CBO’s assessment also found that, overall, the 23 Flight IIIs laid out in the 30-year shipbuilding plan will end up costing $2.7 billion on average.
“The Navy stated in a briefing to CBO and [the Congressional Research Service] that the increase in its estimates of the cost of the DDG-51 Flight IIIs was attributable to shipbuilding inflation’s outpacing economywide inflation as well as declining shipyard performance,” the CBO report states.
The report added that the destroyers currently under construction “have experienced substantial delays.” To date, just one Flight III destroyer, the USS Jack Lucas (DDG-125) has been commissioned, and the keel was laid for the second Flight III, the future USS Louis H. Wilson Jr. (DDG-126) in 2023. Inside Defense reported in June that other Flight III vessels could see six-to-25-month delivery delays.

The Flight III configuration is considered critical to Navy warfighting on the high seas going forward. It will feature the AN/SPY-6(V)1 air and missile defense radar, as well as upgraded electrical power and cooling capacity, among other enhancements.
Flight IIIs will also take on the air warfare command ship mission currently handled by the Navy’s aging and shrinking Ticonderoga class cruiser fleet, which the Navy has been steadily retiring in recent years.
Meanwhile, the Navy’s next-generation destroyer, dubbed DDG(X), is facing its own cost increases and delays, the CBO found. While the Navy is believed to still be refining its core requirements for the ship class, TWZ has reported in the past about that platform. The Navy’s 2025 shipbuilding plan called for production of those ships to commence in 2032, but the Navy later informed the CBO that the first ship actually wouldn’t begin production until 2034 or later.
The Navy wants to eventually buy 28 DDG(X) ships at an average cost of $3.3 billion per ship, a price “driven mostly by an increase in the size and capabilities” of the future warship, which would include a larger hull, more stealth capabilities, more power and a greater capacity to accommodate future systems, according to the CBO. But given the size and new tech onboard the DDG(X), CBO’s assessment states that those ships will actually cost $4.4 billion on average.

“The uncertainty about the ultimate size and capabilities of the next-generation destroyer suggests that its final cost could differ substantially from both the Navy’s and CBO’s estimates,” the report states.
The CBO assessment also casts doubt on the Navy’s estimate that the already-delayed Constellation class frigate (FFG-62) will cost $1 billion per ship, with the CBO estimating that the ships will instead come in at $1.4 billion per hull. Go here to read past TWZ coverage of the Constellation class’s “unplanned weight growth” and other struggles.

A Navy shipbuilding review conducted in early 2024 highlighted several major programs that were running late, issues that TWZ has extensively reported on. These included an 18-to-26 month delay for the next Ford class carrier Enterprise (CVN-80), the first Columbia class ballistic missile sub being delayed 12 to 16 months, a three-year delay for the first Constellation class frigate and 24-to-36-month delays for Virginia class attack subs.

The CBO’s report suggests that the Navy’s latest plan is based on the assumption that systemic shortfalls plaguing current shipbuilding efforts will improve. And while leaders have laid out some reforms, and lawmakers last month introduced the bipartisan SHIPS Act to revive American shipbuilding, it remains to be seen whether large-scale reform will take place. Go here to read TWZ’s in-depth assessment of the SHIPS Act legislation.
“The quantities of new ships purchased and the delivery times laid out in the Navy’s 2025 plan are predicated on the assumption that the production delays that several shipyards are currently experiencing will be resolved in the next decade, leading to the steady and on-time delivery of new ships in the future,” the report states.
All told, the CBO report highlights several other challenges in American shipbuilding, as well as budgetary uncertainties, that could impact the Navy’s ability to field a 390-ship battle force fleet by 2054. The fleet currently stands at 295 ships, while China’s fast-growing naval force numbers more than 370 vessels. The Pentagon warned last month that the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) is increasingly building ever-more capable warships and support ships that are enhancing the fleet’s global reach.

To hit that 390-ship target, the CBO found that new shipbuilding would cost $40 billion annually, 17% more than the Navy’s estimates. CBO attributed the gap to the fact that the Navy didn’t factor costs for refueling nuclear-powered vessels, “outfitting new ships” after delivery or purchasing used sealift vessels, all of which are typically funded via the Navy’s shipbuilding account. There have been long-standing questions about the viability of the Navy’s long-term shipbuilding plans, particularly when it comes to not only building the fleet but sustaining it.
To operate and maintain this bigger fleet, while also buying new aircraft and other weapons, as well as funding the Marine Corps, the Department of the Navy’s total annual budget would need to balloon from its current $255 billion to $340 billion. The CBO also notes that the 2025 Navy plan would cost 46% more after adjusting for inflation than the average amount Congress appropriated to the sea service over the past five years. While the Navy received nearly $33 billion for shipbuilding in Fiscal Year 2024 alone, the CBO warns that such funding levels won’t suffice.
“According to the Navy’s estimates, even if the service received annual funding for shipbuilding from 2025 to 2054 that equaled the amount of such funding that it received in each of the past five years—a half-decade during which that funding was at its highest level since the 1980s—the service still could not afford to buy all the ships in its 2025 shipbuilding plan,” the report notes.
Cost overruns in general are increasing, the CBO found. For example, in the president’s 2024 budget request, cost overrun funding totaled $3.4 billion for 2024 to 2028. Those cost overruns jumped to $10.4 billion in the 2025 request, according to the CBO.
“Unit cost estimates for attack submarines and destroyers are more than 20 percent higher than they were over the past five years,” the report states. “Increased costs in the Virginia and Arleigh Burke class programs appear to have contributed to higher cost estimates for the SSN(X) next-generation attack submarines and the DDG(X) next-generation destroyer. Those higher costs are likely to affect the Navy’s estimates for Columbia class ballistic missile submarines as well, although the 2025 plan does not yet reflect them.”

The CBO report notes that the U.S. shipbuilding industry would have to produce “substantially more naval tonnage” than they have churned out in the past decade, and the rate of nuclear-powered submarine production in particular “would need to increase significantly” to hit the 30-year fleet goal.
While the amount of tonnage under construction at American shipyards increased by 80% over the last decade, it would have to increase even more, with submarines, surface combatants and amphibious warfare ships construction needing to increase by 50% on average compared to today, according to the CBO.
The long decline of America’s shipbuilding industry largely involves a lack of capacity due to a lack of workers, according to Bradley Martin, a retired surface warfare officer and senior policy researcher with the RAND think tank.
“The Navy probably could not get more ships built [under present conditions], even if it had all the funding in the world to buy them,” Martin told TWZ on Tuesday.
Whether these issues will change under President-elect Donald Trump’s second term remains unclear, but he bemoaned glacial American shipbuilding and delays during an interview with radio host Hugh Hewitt on Tuesday, and blamed the Biden administration for the woes of the Constellation class frigate program.
“We don’t build ships anymore,” Trump said. “We want to get that started. And maybe we’ll use allies, also, in terms of building ships. We might have to. We need ships. China’s building, from what I’m hearing, every four days, they’re knocking out a ship. And we’re sitting back watching.”

While American warships must by law be built domestically, the Navy has explored enlisting Korean and Japanese shipyards to repair U.S. ships in the future, as those foreign yards turn out ships faster and cheaper than in the states.
On the sustainment side, South Korean shipbuilder Hanwha Ocean secured a contract in August to overhaul a 40,000-ton U.S. Navy logistics support ship at its Busan facility, a deal believed to be the first of its kind, Breaking Defense’s Justin Katz reported.
Looking to foreign shipyards reflects the suboptimal state of American yards. While China has more than 46% of the global shipbuilding market and is the largest builder, the U.S. has just 0.13%, retired Marine Corps Maj. Jeffrey Seavy noted in the U.S. Naval Institute’s Proceedings publication in April.
“Close allies like Japan and [South Korea] have excellent shipbuilding capacity and capability,” Jan van Tol, a retired warship commander and senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments think tank, told TWZ. “It is very regrettable that Congress would almost surely refuse to let the Navy buy ships from them. I would love to get a dozen Mogami-class frigates to help boost [U.S. Navy] numbers fairly quickly.”
This week’s CBO report also raises questions about whether the planned fleet expansion will come too late. While the CBO analyzes the Navy’s plan to grow its fleet over the next three decades, American military leaders have warned that China’s military plans to be ready to invade Taiwan by 2027, a geopolitical red line that would likely provoke an American military response.
If Beijing actually moves on Taiwan in 2027 or soon after, the Navy’s latest shipbuilding plan sees the battle force fleet actually dipping to a low of 283 ships that year, if the current retirement schedule is followed.
“This plan looks out to 2054, but there is obviously a near-term force size issue as well, given the rising threat in WESTPAC,” van Tol noted.
Government decisions dating back to the end of the Cold War have led to today’s Navy scrambling to catch up with China on the naval warfare front. Many of the issues laid out by CBO have been recurring problems for the sea service, and while its brass may want a bigger fleet, a variety of factors continue to stand in the way of it ever reaching that goal.
Editor’s note: An earlier version of this story said that Japan produces four Mogami class frigates a year. The production rate for Mogamis to date is around two per year.
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