Letter From The Editor: Pardon Our Dust!


You may have noticed a little less activity on The War Zone’s homepage since yesterday. But don’t worry, we haven’t stopped publishing or anything. Very much the opposite.

After over a year of work, we switched over to a new content management system and no matter how much prep is done, there will always be unexpected issues. We are working through many of them now, but the big picture is that this migration will be critical to making The War Zone all that it can be in the weeks, months, and years to come. This includes making the site faster and more navigable.

This is all occurring as we have two new excellent writers in training and another will be joining our ranks next Monday. This is part of a long-planned growth spurt for TWZ that will mean more content from more writers who all bring their own incredible skillsets to the team. This has already been paying off, in fact.

Last week, Howard Altman joined our team. This week, Dan Parsons did as well. Howard comes to us from Military Times and is an old-school national security reporter with a deep Rolodex of sources. We are ecstatic to have him. Dan comes to us from Vertical Magazine. Dan will be focusing on land combat systems, small arms, special operations, and rotary-wing topics, while Howard will be working across our portfolio. Of course, we all do a little of everything, but that is at least the general plan.

We have one more new addition I will be announcing next week, but until then, once again, thank you for your patience and for reporting any bugs to us. We have a lot of work ahead to get everything dialed in, but part of what is to come will be the mother of all menu bars, with navigation to all our content, new and old. I have been mapping this out for weeks myself, it will be the best site navigation of any military site once it is live, which is still a ways out as it all needs to be categorized and programmed. The bottom line here is that every day, we work to build the best military site around, and soon enough our actual platform on the web will reflect that and enable us to do more than we’ve ever done before.

All of these initiatives and more are in the works to make sure we keep evolving with our readership and produce the very best site we possibly can for our readers. So please bear with us through a little disruption now, because it means some big improvements down the line.

As always, thank you so much for your patience.

See you in the comments!

Tyler Rogoway

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Tyler Rogoway


Tyler’s passion is the study of military technology, strategy, and foreign policy and he has fostered a dominant voice on those topics in the defense media space. He was the creator of the hugely popular defense site Foxtrot Alpha before developing The War Zone.