Show The World You Have A Taste For Subs With This Captain Ramius Inspired T-Shirt

We are wishing all our readers a “Red December” this year with a trio of limited-run t-shirt offerings we dreamed up with the help of the mad apparel scientists over at Not only are we releasing what I think is our best design yet, as well as branded logo design for our awesome fanbase, but we are bringing back the super popular Crazy Ivan design in a special addition Navy blue for the holidays! Oh, and yes! In response to popular demand, you can now order these designs in long-sleeved and hoodie formats!

A 574 Footlong

Ever wondered what happened after Captain Ramius delivered the Red October to intelligence officials in “the New World?” He settled into his new life in the States and opened a submarine sandwich shop of course! The ex-Soviet Navy commander makes the biggest and most advanced subs in town alongside his dedicated (well, mostly dedicated) crew who often break out in patriotic song while assembling your “Typhoon” or “Sierra” sandwich. 

Your tastebuds will be pinged!

Order here.


Crazy Ivan II

Continuing with our Red December theme, our hugely popular Crazy Ivan design surfaces again by popular demand! In this second edition, we swapped out black for Navy blue. This was one of the biggest requests—that and please put it back on sale for all those who didn’t recognize a Crazy Ivan fast enough the first time around! Blipshift’s products are only available for a short period of time. If your sonarman isn’t paying attention, you will glide right by! Now you have another chance to make it all right. Or, if you got the first edition, you can grab the second in a hoodie or long-sleeve format. 

Order here.


The War Zone Logo Tee

If you spend considerable amounts of time reading and commenting on this site, you should be doing it in style! Enter The War Zone logo t-shirt. Branded front and back on a highly appropriate battleship gray background, it’s a bold yet classy look. 

Order here.


So, this Red December treat yourself and your friends to a little War Zone cheer and snatch these babies up while you can. Just like Captain Ramius, Blipshift runs their ship via a stopwatch. Once the clock ticks zero you won’t be seeing these designs for a while, if ever again. 

Hop on over to Blipshift to put in your order. Here are those links again:

A 574 Footling

Crazy Ivan II

The War Zone logo tee

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Tyler Rogoway


Tyler’s passion is the study of military technology, strategy, and foreign policy and he has fostered a dominant voice on those topics in the defense media space. He was the creator of the hugely popular defense site Foxtrot Alpha before developing The War Zone.