Another week is in the bag here at TWZ and it was an eventful one at that. We chased the ongoing mystery of large chaff clouds showing up on radar around the United States, gave everyone an inside look at Northrop Grumman’s optionally manned Firebird surveillance plane, and finally published our gift buying guide for the would-be Pentagon planner in your life. But we also have been hung up on some huge features that are just about done. As a result, there’s plenty of stories we couldn’t get to and plenty to discuss, so let’s get after it!
It’s time for Bunker Talk!
This is a weekend open discussion post for the best commenting crew on the net, in which we can chat about all the stuff that went on this week that we didn’t get to. In other words, literally an off-topic thread.
We can talk about the First Lady hopping on a “Green Top” MV-22 to ride out to the USS George H.W. Bush, the first time a First Lady has flown on an Osprey:
Then there is some Zumwalt class news, with DDG-1001 arriving in San Diego and DDG-1002, the last of the tiny class, being launched this week:
Or we can chat about this new body armor Egyptian Army soldiers are sporting:
Then there is this symphony of mini-guns:

Or we can talk about this pic of an Israeli Special Ops soldier packing quite the sub-gun setup!:
Once again, this is an entirely open exercise, so let’s get after it.
Welcome to Bunker Talk!
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